Overlast/Indian Askin


AQueensday Milk - OverlastPlay
BQueensday Milk - Indian AskinPlay


Do you know about the 30th of April, Queensday in Amsterdam??? It’s when all the people come out their houses, regardless of the weather and jump up and down with too many beers and/or other stimulating herbs in their behind… On every corner there’s crazy but awesome music to celebrate the Queen’s birthday (although, it’s actually her mother’s!).

To give you a chance to experience what’s going on here at this time of year, Overlast takes you on an pure ecstasy trip across side A with the track Queensday Milk. His band, Indian Askin, then replay the song on side B. They’re (with all respect) “milking the Queen”, to get as much as possible out of the day!!!

Please note that the B side is the first ever release from Indian Askin and was recorded as one-take. The group consists of Chino Ayala (singer, rhythm guitar), Thijs Felperlaan (guitar), Tom Torensma (bass guitar) and Jan “Overlast” Reiman (drums). For ths track Tom was replaced by Juan Takahashi on bass guitar. Don’t feel frightened by this record but celebrate with us…Milk it!!!

7" € 5.00 buy

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Release:Overlast/ QUEENSDAY MILK
Label:Dopeness Galore
Style:Electronic / Rock
Serial:DG 7 002

Overlast/Indian Askin